Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Gelling Security Architecture with TOGAF

This article describes how to adopt ADM cycle for enterprise security. Also it includes steps for development of security architecture and help enterprise to avoid missing a critical security concern. This article will not focusing on security architecture development methodology, but intended to touch point the security architecture task and role, as well as gelling of security objectives for each phase of the ADM. 

For more detail, click on http://www.articlesbase.com/information-technology-articles/gelling-security-architecture-with-togaf-5841146.html link.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Preparing TOGAF 9 Certification

Last week, I cleared the TOGAF 9 part -2 so now I'm a TOGAF 9 Certified :-). Being into the consulting company, it took me around 6-7 months to clear the exam (both part 1 & 2) because of time constrain. Anyways, just sharing my experiences of exam:    

For Part 1: 

  • Read the TOGAF 9 documentation
  • Focus on input & output of each ADM Phases (specially Phase E & F)
  • High level knowledge of steps involved in each ADM Phases
  • Technical Reference Model
  • Repository 

Part - 2 (though it's a open book) is bit tougher than Part - 1 as it is having scenario questions.  Below are topics/section which you should focus: 
  • Read the TOGAF 9 documentation
  • Focus on input & output of each ADM Phases 
  • In-depth knowledge of steps involved in each ADM Phases
  • Artifacts (catalog, matrices & diagrams) involved in each phases(specially B,C & D)
  • Also read the mapping of security architecture with TOGAF
  • Iterative processes & guidelines

Apart from above mentioned points, you can also view the Knotion TOGAF 9 series on YouTube and view other material available on net(togaf presentations etc)